Video: OMA Show & Tell at the Barbican_#architecture

Video: OMA Show & Tell at the Barbican_#architecture

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image from Barbican Art Gallery

Yesterday, the Barbican Gallery in London hosted an interesting event with OMA. “OMA Show & Tell” features all the of the firm’s partners: Rem Koolhaas, Victor van der Chijs, Reinier de Graaf, Ellen van Loon, Shohei Shigematsu (watch our interview with Shohei), Iyad Alsaka and David Gianotten. The discussion was chaired by Chris Dercon, director of the Tate Modern, who makes a very good intro to this “historic evening“, in which the partners for the first time will discuss together how the creative practice has worked in the past and how it will work in the future. It includes questions from the 300 members of OMA. It is interesting to see how the partnership works, and Dercon encourages the young architects in the audience to learn from it and speak to their CEOs to run their firms according to their views after this lecture.

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