The Union design by Jonathan Segal FAIA #architecture

The Union design by Jonathan Segal FAIA #architecture

Architects: Jonathan Segal FAIA Location: San Diego, California, United States Project Managers: Greg Yeatter, Luke Henderson, Guillermo Tomaszski Year: 2007 Photographs: Paul Body During the 70’s San Diego had a flourishing textile business and strong union membership. The Golden Hill area directly adjacent to the San Diego Freeway and Downtown became home for the textile manufactures’ union hall. Subsequently, the union and textile manufacturing industry moved away and the site fell in disarray. Rather than demolishing the nondescript 70’s slump block building, the architect took a sustainable approach, and acting as owner/developer/contractor, decided to adaptively reuse the building as fully sustainable edifice with two affordable livework lofts and his own architectural office. In addition, the property provided two parking lots that are now developed to include 13 individual “for rent” sustainable town homes. Conceptually the homes are designed to harmonize with the neighborhood, have significant individual presence on the street, and have substantial private outdoor space, which is connected to each unit’s interior by an abundance of glazing. Each unit generates it’s own power from roof mounted photovoltaic panels and has landscaping with drought tolerant plants.

Source: Jonathan Segal FAIAPaul Body
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