House in El Ramal design by Morph Studio

House in El Ramal design by Morph Studio
header_logo%2520copy%2520copy.jpg (805×90) Architect: mutarestudio (Axl Cristián Valdés) Location: Camino Viejo a Maule, Talca Client: Renan Contreras Structural Calculation: Axl Cristián Valdés Surface area: 5.900m2 Built area: 98m2 Year Project: 2008-2010 Construction year: 2010-2011 Budget: 8 , 5UFxm2 Drawing of plans: Axl Cristián Valdés Construction: Ramon Riquieros health facility: Ramon Riquieros Electrical: Andrew Cofré Building System: Structure beams of wood on concrete foundation Enclosure: THERMAL black asphalt tile Terminations: Boardwalk, plywood and volcanics Photographs: Axl Cristián Valdés
Source: mutarestudio (Axl Cristián Valdés)
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