House in Villa Belgrano design by FKB Arquitectos #architecture

House in Villa Belgrano design by FKB Arquitectos #architecture

Architects: Faraci Kustich Barrionuevo Arquitectos Location: Córdoba, Córdoba Province, Argentina Design Team: Mariano Faraci, Ivan Kustich, Juan Barrionuevo Plot: 1,014 sqm Area: 450 sqm Year: 2012 Photographs: Courtesy of FKB Arquitectos In general it is difficult to find a client who shares the same ideas that we as professionals on a project. Nor is commonplace that a customer is willing to invest in each and every one of the details that are necessarily involved in a work to achieve effectively carry out those ideas on the project. We commissioned a house for a childless couple, on a ground in Villa Belgrano, a suburb of a large urban grain, a street whose spatial unit arises of the leafy stems and further characterized by large withdrawals, a ground between medianeras of 17 meters in front on the south by 60 meters deep in the north. They offer two volumes: the bedrooms of one plant, lying on the dividing wall east and the living room with double height crossed a little before half of the lot. A third volume, supported on the dividing wall north, configures the courtyard containing the pool. In this way the relationship is prioritized indoor / outdoor, with many perspective views, sunlight and expansions for social uses internal outward. The main requirement was to make the area for use intimate and social of the couple remains separated from the street and to give autonomy from the sleeping areas of future children. Along with this, find that every room in the house have contact with the courtyard. An attempt was made to that unit – living, dining, kitchen, studio and suite – be qualified by their relationship with the outside. It sought to recover the natural modes of environmental comfort, providing a basking suitable for all the rooms; cross ventilation in the main areas, natural light and ventilation all over the surface protective devices as eaves and filters. All this, in spite of having an artificial climate control system. It was tried a very austere architecture in relation to forms and materials, stripped of any romance and fashion. The use of a cast of noble materials, most of them used in sight, with a very low maintenance, with high resistance in relation to the intensity of uses. It was thought at the architectural space understood as the space and man. With the use we try to characterize the different spaces so as to meet the needs for which are intended andat the same time, generate a proactive atmosphere with people and activities. Mainly the scale of spaces became the uniqueness factor. Along with this, the spatial integration and devices that allow intimacy, the relationship inside / outside and the intermediate spaces, facilities and equipment. But also, in terms of ways of living, some flexibility was sought from the dimensions and foresight of certain areas that may change over time. The proposed architecture is synthesis of space and materiality, is mainly represented by the relationship stand / enclosure and its materiality, dimensions and proportions-that present spatial devices that multiply it. Stone, concrete, rusty steel, aluminum, are materials that are expressed with color and texture, according to its own logic constructive.

Source: Faraci Kustich Barrionuevo Arquitectos/ Courtesy of FKB Arquitectos
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